「白と金」「いや青と黒だ」あなたはどっちに見える? 1枚の写真をめぐりネットで激論
Translation: "White and Gold?" or "Blue and Black?" Which can you see? One Picture on the Internet Causes Trouble
These questions and the dress have travelled across the world to reach even countries such as Japan! Most people say they see blue and black, while others see white and gold. Based on a Tumblr post that came out earlier this week, the color of the dress has troubled most people. On Twitter, hashtags such as #whiteandgold and #blueandblack have been used by people to voice their opinion on what color the dress truly is.
Link to article: http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20150227-00000070-zdn_n-sci
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