Translation: “Futon is no good!? Pediatrician instructs plan on allergies.”
Pediatrician Ikeya Yuko is a mother of 3 children, and takes measures against her children’s allergies by finding and implementing various cleaning methods. So, I will now explain effective cleaning methods.
1) The timing of cleaning is in the morning after waking up or after returning home. Allergies are the most potent with a room with dust. There are dust particles that you see with your eyes, yet inside the room because there are small dust particles that fall to the ground, those must be addressed as well.
2) From high places to low places! Dust falls from high to low so when cleaning acknowledge such places as light bulbs, windows, or desks and put the saying “From high to low places” to use!
3) Suddenly cleaning is no good! First, mop! When vacuuming where dust has accumulated, the vacuum cleaning exhaust will have dust. First, mop and use wipes, and let’s replace the vacuum cleaner with wipes that can easily wipe the floor with a dry cloth.
4) Provide ventilation, so dust won’t block the flow of air! During the time that you are cleaning, dust is stirred up and it is better to notice sooner than later when more dust is in the air. Therefore, open 2 windows to allow for air to ventilate. Furthermore, sun drying futon should be practiced. During the time from 10AM to 2-3PM, if you can, use sunlight to prevent growth of dust mites. In doing so, the futon should not be hit. This could crush dust mites and their carcasses, and it becomes more likely it will affect the body. If the sun cannot be used, a futon dryer is a good idea.
にほんにはふとんがよくつかいます。でもちひょうめんであるので、たくさんホコリがあります。 アレルギーの人は病気になってはながつまります。そのきじはホコリをけしさるのはせつめいします。いしょけんめいなそうじが大切ですよ!まず、朝起きる時はそうじした方がいいです。そして、すぐ帰る時もいい時ですよ。第二:高いところからひくいところまでそうじした方がいいですよ。ホコリはどこもあります。第三: しんくそうじきをつかう前に モップをします。第四:ひをつかいます。一番 いい時は 午前十時から二時までです。そのあと、うちがきれいになって、みんながしあわせです!
Ikeya, Y. (2015). 布団たたきがNGなわけは!?小児科医がアレルギーたいさくをでんしゅ. Yahoo News, 1.
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